This blog covers my contributions in the second month of Google Season Of Docs under the organization moja global.
For more context, do ensure to read about month 1 here:
Week 5
Picking up from where I left off in Week 4, due to the complexities involved in incorporating Vale into the existing CI pipeline, we resorted to going ahead with codespell. Codespell is used to correct common spelling errors and runs on pre-commit. Along with the local installation of pre-commit, it was also integrated into the CI. On PR, codespell will run a check and indicate failure in the workflow status.
This week ended with brainstorming content for a case study on FLINT.Cloud, a SaaS for FLINT, is mainly aimed at showcasing the flexibility and utility of the FLINT.Cloud project to the world
Week 6
I continued working on the GCBM documentation and the case study on FLINT.Cloud. In addition to this, I worked on refactoring the README and installation instructions for GCBM.Belize and GCBM.Colombia. These projects are adaptation of the GCBM (originally developed in Canada).
A Windows OS based setup along with a docker-bases setup is supported in these projects.
I got a chance to present about the Full Lands INtegration Tool (FLINT) in a symposium organised at my college, by the Chemical Engineering Department. I presented under the domain of “Sustainability and combating climate change”
Week 7
In order to showcase the work of various project mentees — GSoC, GSoD, Outreachy and LFX, I was responsible for consolidating the progress made by each mentee and publish it as a blog. This serves as a way for the community to know more about these project initiatives. I have also been involved in community building at moja global, and whoever said it was easy, it’s definitely not. Right from the agenda to ensuring new contributors feel welcome, there are a lot of aspects to it. I’m glad I’m getting to learn about it here :)
Every week on Friday at 6 PM IST, we have our community meetings, where one-two project mentees will showcase their work, we interact with the community and the resolve generic queries and doubts.
Week 8
Along with the community building activities, I continued working on the Sphinx documentation websites for GCBM.Belize and Colombia. I am also involved in contributing to the current ongoing project in FLINT.Cloud — the motive of which is to generate a dynamic configuration for the GCBM Simulation. The existing GCBM simulation took in a fixed set of inputs, and does not allow edits or changes from the side of the user. To overcome this, a new API design is being developed. These backend APIs are being consumed by the frontend interface, FLINT-UI, and in specific, the GSoC project — Building a GCBM Simulation Editor
Key Takeaways and Learnings
- Learnt more about the moja global ecosystem
- Learn about pre-commit hooks, and their integration
- Working with a team of people — super important learning this month
- Getting involved in community building and what it really takes
These are my contributions and progress in Month 2, stick around to hear about the further months!