It’s the Fear Of Missing Out . If you got it right, I’m guessing you belong to this category and you are probably thinking on what you are missing out presently while reading this blog. All of us have experienced this feeling, at some place or some time. We want to be highly successful, have a long list of achievements. I wouldn’t say this is wrong, but you need to draw the line somewhere. You shouldn’t over-work yourself. There will always be people who are better than you at every stage. It’s just that we are a part of this vicious cycle. There is really no start or end. This being said, it wouldn’t be advisable to indulge in activities or tasks beyond your capability just because somebody else has done it. Social media profiles often aggravate this feeling. This is not just restricted to the technical aspects. You can’t judge a fish by it’s ability to climb a tree. But unfortunately, this is how things work in our world. It’s sad to see talent that goes unnoticed. Opinions have to change. We have to change. So give it your best and live your life!