Interning @ Nuvepro

4 min readJul 21, 2023


It was a late December Friday evening in 2022, I dropped by Dad’s office since we had to attend an event close to the office @ Jaynagar. I re-introduced myself to the folks in the office considering the last memory they have of me is from one of my single-digit birthdays, now clearly things have changed : ))

That’s probably where it all started

The seventh semester was ending, which meant I had to plan how I would spend the last 6 months of college, either doing an internship or a project; as destiny had it for me, I was given the opportunity to intern @ Nuvepro. The decision was sudden; however, it had been on my wishlist ever since I started Engineering.

I wrapped up the seventh semester in college and started the internship in January 2023. I was anxious; one because there wasn’t too much time for me to prepare for work, and two because the boss’s daughter factor is almost always a given. I was a part of the Experiential Learning team.

An elevator pitch of what we do —Provide learning solutions and infrastructure to make your workforce project and job ready.

Learning will never stop, what’s a better way to do it than getting hands-on experience and working on real-life scenarios? Well, we are stark believers in the hands-on and learning-by-doing philosophy

Quoting Oppenheimer, “Theory can only take you this far”

My role required knowledge of Python and AWS; learned this on the job. I spent the first month understanding the whats, whys, and hows. Our offering includes everything you need to learn and master a technology — can be anything under the sun —Simple Programming to Cloud to Cybersecurity to Devops to Blockchain and anything else you can think of 🤔

The usual workflow I follow when I have to learn something new —

  • Read/Research the topic
  • Collate content — videos, blogs, etc.
  • Setup a practice environment and start with a Hello World application
  • Gauge what I have learned; preferably take up an assessment

Being provided with an environment to practice, assessments to gauge expertise, and work on curated real-life scenarios with specific learning goals and objectives — will surely accelerate the process of learning

I worked on various aspects of developing this pipeline in the initial months. Further, I worked on direct client requirements — SDLC in practice; owning it end-to-end — right from the documentation to the code, to offering support and ensuring the deliverables meet the required standard.

The in-office experience was a great learning. I interacted with different teams — both engineering and non-engineering included. Personally, one of the most exciting parts was listening to/shadowing and presenting in client calls — it’s intimidating and the same time exciting and interesting. Hearing from your (potential) end-users, their queries and different use cases gives so much perspective. Like my dad always says, keep selling; irrespective of who you are and what your role is; in the end, this is the common goal we are all working towards. I learned about what it takes to develop a new offering; the importance of strategically pivoting and ensuring your customers can gain maximum value always.

Major takeaways

The routine of going to the office every day or rather every other day is something I will truly cherish. Exercise in the morning (been a cult freak for the past few months), get ready for the day, and go to the metro station with my dad. A 20-minute metro ride; get off at RV road and walk for a kilometer. We usually have lunch together, and tea in the evening. Leave the office by 7:30–8:00 PM, occasionally eat something on the way back, and discuss the happenings at the office; this is on repeat.

The All-Hands meets were my favorite, to put it into context; all teams share their updates and what they have been doing; each meeting gave me a different perspective and a holistic understanding of all the moving parts of an organization, and phew, it is overwhelming :-)

No one ever said it was/is/will be an easy journey; but having the courage, the belief, and a team that has a single-minded vision makes it easier. Sure, in the end, the numbers matter, but to get there requires a perfect symphony!

This will be my last week working @ Nuvepro. It has been an experience I will always remember; both for professional and personal reasons. The people are great, the place is great and the value proposition is great. I am thankful for this opportunity!




Tech-enthusiast | Runner_for_life | #NoHumanIsLimited