It was another day at work, a Monday to be precise. The routine repeats week on week, for me it is work + intermediate workout during the weekdays and intense workout during the weekends. I left from office later than usual and walked back lazily to the metro station. I got into the ladies' coach, the crowd was manageable, and I could stand comfortably. The most unexpected turn of events followed. A lady in her mid-forties, as I estimate, collapsed onto the floor. The exhaustion was real, it was seen in her face, is this the outcome of the hustle culture Bangalore?
A few co-passengers and I helped her and offered her some water and glucose. Luckily we were able to contact her family for help. Her stop was a few stops after mine. I got off with her, assisted her down the staircase, and ensured she was safe.
It was a sense of relief, and satisfaction, to be able to help someone in need. I took the next train back and arrived at my regular stop.
What if I was in need of help? What if someone I deeply cared about was in need of help? It could have been/can be anyone. Take care folks !